Wild Child

Wild Child was an 80s Adelaide rock band performing a brutally hard rock sound typical of its generation. The performances were always filled with wild onstage antics featuring Patrick Sorrentino’s roaring guitar sound over a tight thumping rhythm section produced by bassist Con Varvaris and drummer John Antonello, topped with “Gillanesque” power vocals by Joe Bikic. The later addition of Keyboardist Anita Williamson did nothing to taper the bands sound. On the contrary, it opened the band to a whole new generation of punters making the band even more relevant to that generation of music lovers.   

Wild Child lived up to its name, both on stage and off stage. During the 80s there wasn’t a part of Adelaide that hadn’t been touched (often masterminded by Wild Child’s off-stage member and lighting tech, Grant Tucker) through A1 posters or giant graffitied murals of the band’s name (antics which often got the band in trouble with local authorities) “…we were in our mid-20s and we lived for the moment with total disregard for social niceties…”.   As a result, the band enjoyed a huge following in a time when the Adelaide scene was vibrant and bands played to capacity crowds in venues that could hold a thousand plus punters. As Patrick often recalls, “those days were amazing for musicians… each gig was like doing a concert. Big production, big stages… I feel sorry for today’s generation of musicians who struggle to just get a hundred people through the door.

Patrick Sorrentino at the Findon
Joe Bikic and Patrick Sorrentino Cheap Trick support

Joe Bikic and Patrick Sorrentino The Old lions